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Café Color Coding: Parts of Speech

The perfect café needs the perfect menu! Color the words on the menu to match their parts of speech.



Colored pencils or crayons


Words serve different purposes in a sentence. Let’s review some common parts of speech.

Noun: A person, place, thing, or idea

Verb: An action word

Adjectives: Words that describe a noun

Adverbs: Words that describe a verb, typically end in -ly

Conjunctions: Words that connect ideas in a sentence

  1. Print out a copy of the worksheet from the materials section.
  2. Read the menu that Chef Pierre created for the café.
  3. Circle the nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions on the menu in the colors indicated.

Challenge Activity: Hungry for more? Create a menu for your very own café. Come up with a clever name for your café, then color code the words based on their part of speech.