World Book Logo Building Blocks
Illustrated punctuation marks of an exclamation mark and a question mark.
Illustrated character of the punctuation mark period

Sentence Spectrum Coloring

Sentences can be statements, questions, or exclamations. Each type has their own special punctuation mark. Practice your sentence skills with this fun coloring activity!



Colored pencils or crayons


Sentences convey different messages, and their punctuation marks help clarify their purpose.

Statements provide information and end with a period.

Questions seek answers and are punctuated with a question mark.

Exclamations express strong emotions or excitement and end with an exclamation point.

  1. Print out a copy of the worksheet from the materials section.
  2. Start by finishing each sentence started in the balloons to make them a complete sentence. End each sentence with the appropriate punctuation mark to match the type of sentence: statement, question, or exclamation.
  3. Finally, color in the balloon based on which sentence type it is.

How many of each type of sentence did you find?