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Building Blocks of Animals and Plants

The Building Blocks of Animals and Plants Educator Section includes tools as well as ready-to-use classroom materials. Educators can see how the Next Generation Science Standards align with the series, organized by the grade level(s) they teach. In addition, educators will have access to reading resources such as discussion guides and comprehension checks as well as fun classroom activities like vocabulary bingo! The Educator Section will also include engaging lessons, centered around standards, with built-in differentiation options to support all learners as they continue to explore this content.

Building Blocks of Animals and Plants Standards Alignment

Use this section to view how the Next Generation Science Standards align to the Building Blocks of Animals and Plants series.

Next Generation Science Standards

Reading Resources

Each book in the Building Blocks of Animals and Plants series comes with a Discussion Guide as well as a Comprehension Check! Each Discussion Guide includes 10 questions, as well as potential answers, and is intended to be used during or after reading the text to help students better understand the content. Each Comprehension Check also includes 10 questions and comes with an Answer Key. The Comprehension Check is intended to be used after reading and is a great assessment option.

Animal Structure and Classification

Animal Structure and Classification

Discussion guide Comprehension check
Plant and Animal Adaptations

Plant and Animal Adaptations

Discussion guide Comprehension check
Plant Structure and Classification

Plant Structure and Classification

Discussion guide Comprehension check

Classroom Activities

These activities are designed for classroom use and can be used in both the small group and/or whole group setting. These activities bring some fun, engagement, and reflection to students’ learning!

Frayer Model Vocabulary

Use this activity to reinforce Tier 3, content-specific vocabulary from the Building Blocks of Animals and Plants series. This activity can encourage your students to think flexibly and creatively while they work.

Cell Organelles

In this activity, students will read an article to extend their understanding of specific organelles. Students will create a table and use it to describe each organelle, whether they are found in animal or plant cells, and their functions.

Metamorphosis: Sequence the Stages

Bring art and writing into your science lessons with this activity! Students will review what they know about metamorphosis and animal life cycles and choose one animal to study. They will create colorful sketches and write a paragraph to sequence their animal’s egg, larva, pupa, and adult life cycle stages.

Lesson Plans

World Book has created lesson plans that can be used to help deepen students’ understanding of the Building Blocks of Animals and Plants concepts. These full lesson plans are aligned to standards, include assessment options, describe possible differentiation considerations, and include a variety of ways for students to stay engaged in their learning. Many materials are included as quick and easy downloads for your convenience.

Natural Selection and Adaptations

This lesson is designed for students in grades 3-5. Students will read about the concept of natural selection and discuss how animals and plants adapt to their surroundings to survive. In addition, students will independently read about four organisms’ adaptations and use their inferring skills to determine why those adaptations were necessary for survival.

The Naked Egg Experiment

This lesson and experiment are best suited for students in grades 6-8 and take multiple days to complete. Students will deepen their understanding of osmosis by reading an article and completing an experiment. Students will observe the process of osmosis through a chicken egg, hypothesize about why the cell functions as it does, and reflect on their understanding.

Bean Seed Germination Experiment

This multiday lesson and experiment are best suited for students in grades 3-5. Students will germinate their own bean seeds and document their observations and hypotheses along the way. This cross-curricular lesson also addresses Common Core Math Standards and includes an opportunity for students to graph and analyze their data.