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Hardware Heads Up

This two-part activity can be used with students to take a deeper dive into some of the most common and most important pieces of hardware in computers. First, students will independently create flashcards for 4 pieces of hardware. They will include such information as a physical description, an explanation of its functions, and whether it can be classified as internal or external hardware. Second, students will collaborate in groups of 4 to review and share their hardware flashcards before using them to play a game! Students will take turns giving clues and making educated guesses to determine which piece of hardware is being described. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins!


Students will be able to list and describe the functions of major components of a computer's hardware.

Students will be able to classify hardware as internal or external.


• Building Blocks of Computer Science series, specifically Hardware

• Flashcards/notecards (4 per student, best if one side is blank and the other is lined, but any thick card will do)

• Pencils

• Hardware Heads Up Master List (includes 4 sets of hardware vocabulary words as well as definitions)

Differentiation Considerations:

• Consider reviewing how to use a glossary and an index prior to beginning this activity. Remind students during the activity that they can use the glossary and index to help them, but their flashcards should include information beyond what can be found in those text features.

• Provide access to the Hardware text as students work to create their flashcards.

• Consider using strategic grouping during this lesson. Heterogenous groups can be used to help engage and benefit all learners during this activity.

• Consider pre-assigning sets of hardware: Set A includes hardware with the lowest cognitive demand through Set D with the highest level of cognitive demand.


  1. Download and print the Directions and Master List from the downloads section.
  2. Split students into groups of 4 and assign each group member a set of 4 hardware vocabulary terms (Set A, Set B, Set C, or Set D). See Differentiation Considerations for suggested grouping and assignment ideas.
  3. Explain that each individual member of the group will be responsible for learning about 4 pieces of hardware common to computers. Each student will write the word and draw a related visual symbol or picture on the front of the card. Students will then use the back of each notecard to describe the hardware, explain its functions/purpose, and classify it as internal, external, or both.
  4. Next, students will share their notecards with their original group of 4. The goal here is for students to review these terms, asking their peers questions along the way to help deepen their understanding.
  5. Finally, explain that students will use the flash cards they just made to play a game called Heads Up! Review the directions with students, modeling an example for the class before allowing groups to play on their own.