World Book Logo Building Blocks

Breathe In, Breathe Out

In this activity, students will review what they know about the respiratory system. Students will work in pairs to identify major structures found within the respiratory system. In addition, they will apply their knowledge and collaborate in order to determine how oxygen travels through our respiratory system.


Students will be able to identify the major structures of the respiratory system and describe how they aid in respiration.


• Building Blocks of the Human Body series, specifically The Respiratory System

• Breathe In, Breathe Out Worksheet (1 per student)

• Breathe In, Breathe Out Worksheet Answer Key

• Pencils

Differentiation Considerations:

For extension, have students write a paragraph to describe what happens in the respiratory system when we inhale and exhale. Students should use scientific vocabulary as well as a sequencing text structure as they write.


  1. Print the worksheet and answer key from the downloads section.
  2. Explain to students that today they will review what they know about the respiratory system and how its structures aid in the process of respiration. Review that respiration is the process by which organisms get and use oxygen.
  3. Explain the activity and assignment to students by describing how they will work in pairs to first label the parts of the respiratory system. They can use their Building Blocks books or other resources for support here.
  4. Next, explain that students will work with their partner to answer a series of questions to describe what happens to each component of the respiratory system as one breathes in and out.
  5. After providing work time, review the correct responses. Because students worked in pairs during this activity, it might benefit your students to reflect on their collaboration skills.