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The Truth About Magnets

In this activity, students will first evaluate statements about magnetism to determine whether they are true and second will modify any false statements so they are correct. This activity involves both independent thinking as well as opportunities for students to collaborate with their peers to deepen their understanding of magnetism.

Next Generation Science Standards:


Students will be able to evaluate statements about magnetism to determine whether they are true.

Students will be able to modify false statements about magnetism so they are correct.


• Building Blocks of Physical Science series, specifically Magnetism

• Scratch Paper

• The Truth About Magnets Worksheet (1 per student)

• The Truth About Magnets Worksheet Answer Key

• Pencils

Differentiation Considerations:

Although this activity begins with independent thinking, students will pair up to complete the final steps collaboratively. Consider allowing students to choose their own partner as choice can be a strong differentiation and engagement strategy.

Extend students’ learning by having them create their own true or false activity about magnetism (or their favorite Building Blocks of Physical Science concept!).


  1. Download and print the worksheet and answer key from the downloads section.
  2. Explain to students that they will use copies of the Magnetism book paired with their knowledge of the topic to evaluate statements and correct errors.
  3. Begin by activating prior knowledge with a “brain dump.” During a brain dump, students are encouraged to write anything they think or wonder about related to a particular subject on a piece of scratch paper. Here, students will have 2 minutes to brain dump everything they know or wonder about magnetism. Challenge students to write the entire time. When time is up, have students share what they brain dumped with a neighbor before calling on a few volunteers to share out. Consider picking specific students and responses to address any misconceptions.
  4. Explain that next students will begin by working independently and then transition to partner work. First, students will work independently to complete the Truth About Magnets Worksheet in which they will evaluate statements to determine whether they are true. Once students have completed this step by themselves, they can find a partner. Pairs can collaborate by first comparing their answers and then correcting the six inaccurate statements on the worksheet.
  5. Bring students back to the whole group setting for closure. Ask students to share any surprises or major takeaways they had while working either independently or with their partner. Close the activity by revisiting the objectives that students could first evaluate statements about magnetism and second modify them as needed.