
Discovery Science Encyclopedia

The Discovery Science Encyclopedia, from the publishers of The World Book Encyclopedia, is a starter science look-up source in nine hard-cover volumes. The set is designed to be used by newly independent readers or reluctant readers ages 8-10 whose first language is English and by students ages 10-13 learning English (English as a Second Language/English as a Foreign Language—ESL/EFL). Young readers can learn about topics in physical sciences (astronomy, chemistry, geology, oceanography, physics), life sciences (biology, botany, zoology), and social sciences (relationships between and among people).

In the set are two volumes about animals, two volumes about people, and one volume each about planet Earth, matter and energy, plants, space, and technology. Inside these volumes the entries are in A-Z order. Lots of photos and diagrams and other types of illustrations help readers understand all the STEM topics! This edition includes updates about the New Horizons space probe to Pluto.

SKU: 20360
ISBN: 978-0-7166-7526-6
Pages: 2,416
Volumes: 9
Price: $439.00
    • Each title is an A-Z encyclopedia organized and designed to provide quick access to topics
    • Over 500 pages of alphabetized animals, featuring many extraordinary creatures
    • Highly illustrated, including many clear and instructive diagrams

    "Highly Recommended"- Library Media Connection

    "The quality that one has come to expect from World Book is evident in this encyclopedia on all things science. Using sharp design, clear layout, and valid sources, these volumes cover a broad survey of elementary and early middle school level science topics. Simply and clearly written, each article has a captioned illustration, color photograph, drawing, or diagram. Entries include terms, definitions, inventions, notable scientific people, and corporations. There is no master index, but each volume has its own index. A QR code is included with many of the entries to provide videos, etc. Some of the text can be found in the online version of World Book Kids, but this print version has additional material plus detailed activities and experiments. What the print version lacks in interactivity, it gains in simplicity. For collections that need an updated science reference print source, this is the one to get." -Anna Hartle, English Teacher/Librarian, Cincinnati Country Day School, Cincinnati, Ohio

    What fun! Seven huge topics related to science (animals, human beings, plants, space, earth, matter and energy, and technology) are addressed in nine volumes. The articles are brief, but are meant to whet the appetites of middle-school-aged children and encourage them to dig deeper. Students encounter “Other articles to read include:” at the conclusion of each entry. These related articles can be found within the same volume, and can be tapped before other research tools are sought out. Full-color photographs, maps, illustrations, and diagrams accompany the entries. Along with being set off in ruled boxes, the large font and use of white space make for a very attractive and appealing presentation. Related science activities and experiments occur throughout. For example, “Energy from a lemon” is a three page activity that follows the “Battery” article in the Technology volume. An experiment entitled, “Taking your pulse” follows the “Heart” entry in the Human Beings A-L volume. These special pages also include a QR code that links to a video which would clarify the activity or experiment. World Book has produced another marvelous set that offers so much material and can promote a lot of learning. Students, parents, and teachers will appreciate it immensely when preparing for a Science Fair! To promote maximum circulation, this reviewer recommends shelving each volume according to subject, rather than in the reference section. Highly recommended for all public and school libraries serving students in grades four through eight. Ages 10-14. - Jean Elvekrog, Catholic Library World