202 Science Investigations cover

202 Science Investigations More than two hundred easy-to-do investigations in life science, physical science, space science,...

202 Science Investigations

Availability: In Stock

Item #: IP1908 -

    More than two hundred easy-to-do investigations in life science, physical science, space science, and earth science! Each activity description provides a complete list of everyday materials needed as well as comprehensive, step-by-step directions.

    Puzzle It Logic Puzzles and Tricks cover

    Puzzle It! Logic Puzzles and Tricks This book helps to wake up students’ brains with its entertaining, topic-oriented puzzles riddles,...

    Puzzle It! Logic Puzzles and Tricks

    Availability: In Stock

    Item #: IP1406 -

      This book helps to wake up students’ brains with its entertaining, topic-oriented puzzles riddles, logic problems, and brain teasers. Sharpen critical thinking and problem solving skills while reinforcing information.

      Basic Not Boring Middle Grades Earth and Space Science cover

      Middle Grades Earth and Space Science How many rings does Jupiter have? Will people live in outer space one day? Earth & Space Science...

      Middle Grades Earth and Space Science

      Availability: In Stock

      Item #: IP4031 -

        How many rings does Jupiter have? Will people live in outer space one day? Earth & Space Science answers the questions that 6-8 graders are curious about. Students will have fun as they learn the coolest facts about Earth and space—and they will sharpen their skills as they do so!

        Basic Not Boring Grades K-1 Science cover

        Grades K-1 Science Students in grades K-1 will take on exciting adventures with animals while developing and...

        Grades K-1 Science

        Availability: In Stock

        Item #: IP4048 -

          Students in grades K-1 will take on exciting adventures with animals while developing and practicing skills like identifying parts of plants, distinguishing between living and nonliving things, describing animals’ coverings and movements, naming body parts, recognizing healthy foods, identifying safe behaviors, and more!

          Basic Not Boring Middle Grades Physical Science cover

          Middle Grades Physical Science This workbook applies principles of physical science to real-world activities and adventures,...

          Middle Grades Physical Science

          Availability: In Stock

          Item #: IP4032 -

            This workbook applies principles of physical science to real-world activities and adventures, allowing students to practice their skills as they follow along with the stories. Students will review forces of energy as they apply to roller coasters and use the formula for finding power to discover how much energy is needed to cook a turkey dinner, among other tasks!