
Crawly Creatures

Expand your collection of the most popular sets from Bolt 1, 2, 3 and introduce new topics to the collection.

Giant, venomous centipedes prey on small birds and mice. Huge colonies of hungry termites eat all day, every day. Certain millipedes glow light blue in the dark. These creatures are creepy and crawly. And it's time to get up close and personal with them.

Books in Series

  • Centipedes
  • Hissing Cockroaches
  • Millipedes
  • Scorpions
  • Tarantulas
  • Termites

SKU: 30264
ISBN: 978-0-7166-3924-4
Pages: 32
Volumes: 6
Price: $150.00
    • Attention-grabbing titles covering a wide variety of topics that are sure to have readers coming back for more!
    • The BOLT sets support Common Core, STEM, and Next Generation Science standards.