
Discovery Science Encyclopedia 2019

Can a radish be black in color? Do butterflies really eat butter? Find these answers plus more in The Discovery Science Encyclopedia. This guide to core science topics is designed to be used by elementary and middle school students. Individual volumes cover such areas of inquiry as plants, technology, and human beings. Extension activities and experiments make this a hands-on series suited to different learning styles.

In the set are two volumes about animals, two volumes about people, and one volume each about planet Earth, matter and energy, plants, space, and technology. Inside these volumes the entries are in A-Z order.

SKU: 20410
ISBN: 978-0-7166-7543-3
Pages: 2,416
Volumes: 9
Retail: $399.00
Price: $239.99
Save: $159.01 (39.9%)
    • Young readers can learn about topics in physical sciences (astronomy, chemistry, geology, oceanography, physics), life sciences (biology, botany, zoology), and social sciences (relationships between and among people)
    • This guide to core science topics features more than 650 new and revised articles, and more than 700 new photos
    • Hundreds of photographs, diagrams, and other types of illustrations help readers come to grips with STEM topics