
J Is for Jazz

"Get a wiggle on" with this fun and informative ABC primer based on the lingo of jazz! From “axe" to "zoot suit," J Is for Jazz by World Book Bright Connections will transport you to the Jazz Age through sweeping, bold, award-winning illustrations by Maria Corte Maidagan and be-bopping, lyrical introductions to key jazz figures, musical terms, and a glossary of jazz slang by author Ann Ingalls.

Perfectly tuned for children with a K through 2 reading level, this book is a marvelous way to introduce children to a uniquely American art form. A work of art in its own right, J is for Jazz is the cat’s pajamas for all readers, from “little finger zingers” all the way to “grown-up cats”!

SKU: 20615
ISBN: 978-1-62267-026-0
Pages: 40
Volumes: 1
Price: $16.99
    • Winner 2015 Annual American Graphic Design Award

    Annual American Graphic Design Award 2015 Winner

    School Library Journal ( November 01, 2014) "Using an alphabet book structure, this slim volume offers its readers a basic introduction to jazz. The opening two-page "Story of Jazz" provides background to set the stage for the alphabetical one-liners: "A is for America's Music. It ab-so-tive-ly began with African American rhythms. And how!" Bold, geometric illustrations always include an artistic interpretation of the featured word and its letter hidden within: Benny Goodman's arm makes a "G" and Jelly Roll Morton's tie creates a "J." Many pages feature asides highlighting jazz slang and vernacular: "They put on their glad rags and got a wiggle on!" "When this jazzman picked up his licorice stick, he could really groove." Pages highlight important people, places, instruments, musical terms, and expressions that play a role in jazz history, including "Floorflushers," " Improvisation," "Kansas City," and "Zoot Suits." Always a complicated letter, "X" stands for "aXe," which readers may need to refer to the extensive and helpful glossary to understand. A bright and serviceable first dip into this genre of music." -Julie Roach, Cambridge Public Library, MA

    "This is not your ordinary alphabet book—it gives the reader an interesting image to match to the alphabet, and it is a unique exploration into the world of jazz. The opening pages explain the history and origins of jazz. Ingalls uses the alphabet as a means to describe the musicians, instruments, clothing styles, musical styles, hot spots, and different methods of performing and playing. Full-page illustrations give the reader opportunities to delve into “seek and find” reading, as Maidagan has creatively tucked each of the alphabet letters into her bright, bold illustrations. At the close of this entertaining, alphabetical foray is a helpful “Glossary of Jazz Slang.” If you’re looking for a picture book that is both entertaining and informational, you’ll want to check this one out. Music teachers will find this to be an invaluable resource when teaching about this musical genre." -Amy Merrill, Librarian & Reading Specialist, Calvin Coolidge Elementary School, Binghamton, New York