“The new World Book set, Library of Natural Disasters, not only satisfies curiosity, but uses the science of disasters to ground fascination inn knowledge…this serves as an excellent reference source for younger readers. Many library media specialists will want an extra set to circulate.”…“Best of all, the set is ideal for cross-curricular research units to provide motivation, information, and suggestions for further investigation.” -American Reference Books Annual 2009
“This outstanding set provides an attractive, riveting, and thorough look at the major types of natural disasters. Each volume is generously illustrated with b&w and color photographs as well as informative charts and diagrams. Not only do the books clearly explain the causes and environmental effects of the disasters themselves, they also provide essential information on how the disasters can affect human life and health. Instances of each type of disaster are shown in their historical contexts, such as the blizzard that nearly destroyed Napoleon’s army on its retreat from Moscow, making the set a valuable tool for content-area collaboration. Each volume contains a classroom activity, a glossary, a bibliography listing both print and electronic resources, and an index. Highlighted boxes present interesting and useful details and statistics that enhance the main text. This set would be a significant addition to any middle school library, and would even be appreciated by most high school students for its clarity, content, and conciseness. Highly Recommended.” -Library Media Connection, April 2009
“World Book’s latest endeavor to provide a reliable reference source for primary and middle-grade students and their educators on the timely topic of natural disasters is a ‘fait accompli.’ Each of the 15 volumes, 48 pages in length, treats either singly or in combination the many types of disasters that regularly beset victims and survivors throughout the ages. The format selected for each volume is similar and timely. The Table of Contents page provides entries that are brief and pithy. Young researchers will be able to find quickly a clear definition, causes, effects, and historic examples of their chosen disaster. The text with its catchy sub-titles, brilliant photography, informative sidebars and charts is concise and clear in its presentation. The end pages of each volume contain an activity that is suited to the intended age group and its purpose. This is a prime incentive for educators to urge their students to concretize how the science and power of disasters affect all peoples……Highly recommended for all libraries that service elementary and middle grades readers and their educators.” -Catholic Library World, March 2008