
Anti-Bullying Basics

World Book's Anti-Bullying Basics set aims to combat bullying from all perspectives: those bullied, those doing the bullying, and the adults trying to intervene. Each volume focuses on a different form of bullying, answers common questions about bullying, and offers practical advice on dealing with bullies.

Books in Series

  • Bullied by Boys
  • Bullied by Friends
  • Bullied by Girls
  • Bullied by Groups
  • Bullied in Cyberspace
  • Bullied to Belong

SKU: 20336
ISBN: 978-0-7166-2070-9
Pages: 288
Volumes: 6
Price: $59.99
    • Explores major forms of bullying
    • Offers real-life narratives and questions
    • Tailored to students in grades 5 through 8
    • Written in a straightforward style that is appealing to teens and pre-teens
    • Offers students, parents, and education professionals a perspective on what bullied children may be experiencing as well as guidance for responding to it.

    The Anti-Bullying Basics series examines six different and distinct types of bullying, with this volume focusing specifically on bullying perpetrated by boys. It discusses verbal and physical bullying, as well as cyberbullying, and explores both causes and effects, providing a clear definition of what bullying is and is not and including basic guidelines for how and when to intervene. Bullying among male siblings is explored, along with harassment motivated by racism and homophobia. A sophisticated layout and plentiful photos combine with real-world examples that use first names, multiple perspectives, and relevant scenarios. This insightful series is one that young victims, bullies, and bystanders can all benefit from reading, as it combats the problem from all perspectives. Note: the series is only available as a set, hence the price.

    — Erin Anderson Booklist

    Bullying has become a serious,even deadly, problem. World Book’s timely new series educates students on this form of harassment, how to deal with it, and how to get help. A set needs to be accessible in every library serving today’s youths. Librarians, educators, and parents will also appreciate these books for their bold and honest guidance. Titles in the series include: Bullied by Boys, Bullied by Girls, Bullied by Friends, Bullied by Groups, Bullied to Belong, and Bullied in Cyberspace. Each volume stands alone, so the introductory facts on pages four and five are identical in all six books: “What is Bullying?,” “Forms of bullying,”

    “What bullying is not,” and “Why it’s serious.” The comprehensive list of additional resources

    (websites, books, and helplines) and the glossary are also identical in all books. In subsequent pages, the causes and effects of the named type of bullying are examined. Support and advice for dealing with bullies are included. Illustrated with full color photographs, the text is offset by alternating pastel-colored pages and sidebars. “Bully Q & A” boxes discuss one aspect of the behavior briefly and effectively. A helpful index is included in each book. This series is an excellent, long awaited resource and is well worth the price. All libraries serving children should own a set. Highly recommended for students ages 10-15.

    Catholic Library World

    Bullying is a pervasive problem for modern children. This series identifies six different forms of bullying, and in a straightforward manner offers ways to help readers fight against it themselves and get help if they need it. All angles of bullying are covered, such as the bystander effect, peer pressure, homophobia, cyberbullying, and more. Real-life examples are given, as well as a feature called “Bullying Q&A,” which helps put the issues into relatable context. The books are text heavy, but they are broken down into easy-to-read blocks. Captioned photos of teens help frame the narratives, and text boxes provide supplemental information. This comprehensive, clear look at the causes and effects of bullying would be beneficial to all readers.

    -School Library Journal/Series Made Simple

    This series provides specific, relevant information about different types of bullying adolescents may experience. In Bullied by Girls specifics such as "mean girls" and other psychological bullying are discussed. Also analyzed are being excluded from groups, cyberbullying and bullying by sisters. Bullied by Boys addresses types of bullying often associated with male bullying such as hazing and physical attacks. Helpful as well is the section discussing why some boys bully and how to avoid or stop being a target. Negative peer pressure-whether spoken or unspoken-is covered in Bullied by Friends. This volume explores what happens as people grow up with friends and begin exploring new freedoms. Gender pressure, cliques, illegal activities, and the pressure to have sex are important decisions that are often influenced by friends. Each book begins by defining bullying and what it is not, and explains why bullying is a serious issue. Included are questions for readers to evaluate themselves to see if they are part of the problem and examples about how to be a good friend. Specific examples of bullying, ways to avoid being bullied, and multiple ways to try to end a bullying situation are covered in each. The issue of bullying bystanders and how to stop bullying if you are the bully are also addressed. Modern images, authentic examples of bullying situations, and brief Q & A sections create easy-to-read formats. This series is a useful purchase for school and public libraries that serve adolescent patrons. They may also be useful resources to have in a counseling office.-Dianna Geers, Voice of Youth Advocates

    Vital information about an incredibly important topic is presented with characteristic World Book excellence. Definitions of a bully and the different forms it may take, motives behind bullying, and why a person bullied may become a bully are illustrated. Difficult but realistic questions are raised. Hazing at colleges is discussed which will extend the usefulness of the series. Bullying Q & A is found in each volume, as well as an explanation for the series and examples of ways to stop the bullying cycle. This very informative set describes what is imperative for all young people to be aware of. It would be useful with younger students if pertinent segments were carefully taught. Older students would benefit from classroom discussions, role playing, and anti-bullying groups as well as additional research. Extensive possibilities of this series make it an outstanding selection. Bibliography. Glossary. Table of Contents. Index.

    -Ann Bryan Nelson, Volunteer Teacher, Media Specialist and Mentor, Dysart Unified School District, Surprise, Arizona [Editor’s Note: A free lesson plan is available on the publisher’s website.]

    Highly Recommended

    -Library Media Connection