The words “Common Core” have raised hopes, questions, blood pressures, enthusiasm, controversy, expectations, political discussions, fears, and even hairs on the backs of some people’s necks! Parents and the general public are bombarded by a variety of voices and opinions about those two words and what they represent—or what the speakers think they represent. This book cuts through the myths and panic to offer parents a straightforward explanation of what standards-based education is all about; what the Common Core State Standards require of their children and their children’s schools; and how new college- and career-ready standards affect their children’s education.
With a focus on the standards and what they actually say, the authors answer (in clear, practical terms) the many questions that have perplexed parents—such questions as Where did the standards come from? Who’s behind these? Is this a federal take-over of education? Why do we need new standards? What is different about the Common Core standards? What will be asked of my students at my child’s grade level? How do the new standards benefit my child? How will my child be tested? Will my child do poorly on the new tests? How will test results be used? How can I learn about the standards? How can I talk to my child, the teachers, and school officials about the standards? How can I help my child meet the standards? The book is designed as a guide to help parents move from confusion to confidence about standards-based education – no matter what state is home.